Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Celebration with Dr. A

I am beyond BLESSED by Dr. Anderson and this community. Thank you all so much for being supportive of me on this journey.
--Yesterday was the first day I saw my side by side progress since I made the fundamental choice to change for my Optimal Health on March14th! As some may know I am allergic to Legumes which include Peanuts and SOY. Even with this allergy, I have fought to find a way for this program to work for me.
--Last night, I was honored to have Dr A. Zoom with me to celebrate and encourage me along with my AWESOME coach, Jessee Baldwin and Whitney Kell. This was AMAZINGLY inspiring. I was so excited when I was told he wanted to meet. He helped motivate me to keep going and to focus on where I want to be. Here's my take-away from our talk.
--How long it takes me to get to my goal is not the most important part of my journey. It's that I am heading, EVERYDAY, in the direction I am wanting to go. Don't stress daily over the numbers on the scale. Creating health is the important part.
--Remember, Health outcomes are created through changing our behavior. Our behaviors are changed by changing our habits. Our habits our changed through daily repetition. Even though I have a huge goal set, I need to focus on the day to day, improving 1% of every aspect of my life, EVERYDAY. Daily micro-habits done consistently will help me reach my goal successfully. (Micro-habits: Write in my journal daily, do a push-up, walk a little more, get a daily routine for personal goals.)
--CELEBRATE my achievements NOT my Set-backs. The things I accomplish, like walking up a flight of stairs on my 45th birthday, gave me a sense of pride. (I kind of shocked myself that I actually did it. I stepped out of my comfort zone, big time there). So... I should focus on that positive feelings and satisfaction I got from climbing those stairs or doing something I was unable to physically do before rather than my own feelings of failure when I get off-track. I have released over 105 pounds and I know this is just the first goal reached. Now to continue the journey in a positive light! Celebrating the little victories that lead up to the Bigger Ones! Thanks for your support and friendships I have made along this journey to Optimal Health! #MyBiggerLife
Optimal Lean, Green, Fueling Recipes (Facebook Group)

*To add variety to the limited products I am able to have, due to my allergies, I created recipes that utilize the fuelings in a variety of different ways. I also started a Facebook group to help others who may have similar need or just want to add variety to their daily  Optimal health


To see how you are doing in your overall health, take a quick survey by clicking this link:  Wellness Evaluation

If you would like information about the Amazing Health Journey or how you can have your own Free Personal Health Coach Email me:

(Average weight loss for Clients on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan with support is 20 lbs.)

I have created Three 5&1 Compliant Recipe E-books that contain my creative recipes for Fuelings and Lean&Green Meals that are currently available:
"Lean & Green in EIGHTEEN!" E-Book $10 (Contains over 40 recipes)
"Optimal Holiday Menu-Winter Edition" E-Book $7.50 (Includes a complete Holiday Menu plus 20 bonus recipes.)
"Optimal Holiday Menu-Autumn Edition" E-Book $3.50 (Includes a Complete Holiday Menu Plus 4 Bonus Recipes-GET BOTH HOLIDAY E-BOOKS $10)

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