

Creative Fueling Hacks BY SERVING SIZE

  If you are a newbie to Optavia OR Medifast, WELCOME! If you have any questions, about the Optimal 5&1 Weightloss Plan, please ask. I will answer or clarify anything I am able. If I am unsure of an answer needed, I will research and get back to you so you are not derailed in your Journey to Optimal Health.

That being said, I wanted to share why I choose to mix-up my Fuelings. Doing Fueling mix-up, combos, mash-ups or whatever you want to call it, will not work for everyone. It means you have to plan your day so you don't make a Fueling with more condiments, fats, leans or greens than you are allowed for your program plan, whether you are on a 5&1, 4-2-1, 3&3 or modified plan.
For some, making the Fuelings as directed, works for them in it's simplicity. No figuring
or calculation to mess with. Some, like to have a variety to keep from the monotony of eating
the same thing daily. Others may be limited due to medical reasons.

For me: I am allergic to legumes which include Soy and peanuts. The majority of the Optavia/Medifast products available, so far, use Soy Protein Isolate. Well Geez, how will that work for me? How can I stay, effectively, on a health program that limits me to about 20 choices (Half of those products still contain Soy Lecithin)? At first, I was only thinking of all the failed diets I tried.

    Well... you just have to CHOOSE to do it anyway. For me, I love to combine two flavors to change things up. For instance: Cappuccino and Hot Cocoa in my thermos together for my Mocha Cappuccino in the mornings or blended for a Mocha Frappe!

OR the different combinations using Buttermilk Cheddar Herb Biscuit, Mashed Potatoes, Tomato Basil Bisque or Mac-N-Cheese to make biscuits, flatbreads, bagels AND BREAD!!

    Another reason I prefer to do the mix-up and split lean and greens is that it helps with my hunger. When I split lean & Green, I feel like I am eating more at each Fueling but it is the same amount of food allowed. I am able to last throughout the day a little better. (16 ounce Powerade Zero helps, too)
What works for some, may not work for all. Test it out to try to see what works with your schedule. Bake Fuelings  or pre-make smoothies ahead and freeze them in servings in Ziplock Freezer bag. This enables you to Grab-N-Go throughout the week since there are no Soy-Free Bars at this time.  

CREATIVE FUELING RECIPES: (Click the recipe link below)
**Most of the Soy Free Options on Optavia/Medifast are Vegetarian (Ovo-Lacto) Double check the added ingredients to make sure it is compatible with your dietary needs.

Single Serve Recipes:
Biscuits: Single & Bulk Recipes (Fueling)
Caramel "Bread" Pudding (Fueling)
Easy Baked Cheese Ravioli  for ONE (Fueling)
Tomato Basil Chili (Fueling)

Two (2) Servings Recipes:

Three (3) Servings Recipes:

Four (4) Servings Recipes:

Six (6) Servings Recipes:


To see how you are doing in your overall health, take a quick survey by clicking this link:  Wellness Evaluation

If you would like information about the Amazing Optavia Life or how you can have your own Free Personal Health Coach Email me:

(Average weight loss for Clients on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan with support is 20 lbs.)


  1. This is so helpful. Thank you for blogging. I seem to have a soy allergy and my sinuses swell. I've had a headache for two weeks and had to stop with the fueling. I'm allergic to MSG and the protein additive that is in the fueling mixed with the soy causes my body to make MSG. I only have 5 more lbs to go so I am ready to try anything. Thanks again.

  2. You've got this! Keep going. I'm hear to help. Just email me if you have any questions. Plus join me on FB at Optimal Lean, Green Fueling Recipes group

  3. Hello! With the sweet potato pie recipe, are we supposed to make the sweet potatoes first before mixing with the other ingredients? I made it and it was the consistency of paste so I am thinking that the packet should have been prepared first? Thank you!
